Armidale East Mall Redevelopment
At the Ordinary Council meeting held on 22 May 2024, Council endorsed the East Mall Detailed Concept Design Plans which will see the area of Beardy Street commonly known as ‘The East Mall’ transformed into a vibrant new public space.
The East Mall project stems from the Armidale Mall Vibrancy Plan 2017 which sought to encourage business and shopping and tourism by upgrading and enhancing the Malls.
What was Resolved:
That Council:
- Note the publicly exhibited Draft East Mall Detailed Concept Design Plans – Preferred Option - 60° nose-to-kerb parking and the Alternate Option - parallel parking in Attachment.
- Receive and note the submissions contained in the public exhibition submissions summary table in Attachment.
- Receive and note the information contained in the East Mall Detailed Concept Design Plan Background Report in Attachment.
- Adopt the Final East Mall Detailed Concept Design Plans - 60° nose-to-kerb parking in Attachment.
- Seek grant funding for detailed design and construction of the upgrades identified in the East Mall Plans.
- Establish a public art and heritage committee with an appropriate budget to assist in the development of public art and heritage improvement projects to complement the East Mall Plans.
- Continue to work with the East Mall Key Stakeholder Working Group throughout the detailed design and construction phase of the project.
The East Mall Detailed Concept Design Plans were developed by Council’s project team, consultants King & Campbell Pty Ltd and a key stakeholder Working Group comprising representatives of East Mall businesses and property owners.
The Draft Concept Plans were placed on public exhibition throughout March 2024 where Council staff and representatives from King & Campbell conducted an extensive public exhibition campaign which generated over 150 submissions.
Overwhelming support was shown by the community for the redevelopment of The East Mall where nearly 90% of submissions were in support of Council redeveloping the street.
The endorsed plans will see the street and parking layout in the East Mall changed by removing the current curved traffic lane and parking spaces and providing a straightened travel lane with 60-degree nose-in parking spaces on the northern side of the street. The concept plans will also provide an increase in parking spaces from 15 spaces to 36 including 3 disabled spaces.
The East Mall, including its intersection with Faulkner Street, has been reimagined as a continuous flexible/shared space with no kerb and guttering throughout East Mall alongside a raised intersection at Faulkner Street. It is envisaged that this shared space will accommodate a broad range of everyday activities and enable special events whilst providing improved pedestrian integration between the malls.
The adopted plans for the East Mall seek to provide greater access, parking and active transport to stimulate activation and improved street amenity through a comprehensive suite of urban design initiatives, including:
- Flexible/Shared spaces.
- Improved access.
- Street layouts.
- Street furniture.
- Pavement treatments and seating walls.
- lighting, technology, and multipurpose poles.
- Outdoor dining opportunities.
- Car/bike charging.
- Walkway connections and bicycle parking stations.
- Building awnings and potential mid-block canopies.
- Tree plantings.
- Opportunities for future public art.
Council will now work towards implementing the resolution from Council and will look to seek funding for the project so that it can progress into the detailed design and construction phases.
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