Road resealing is an important part of the maintenance of roads and is utilised to seal small cracks and imperfections, improve skid resistance as well as waterproof, protect and extend the life of the underlying road pavement.
Road resealing is the process of spraying bitumen onto a road pavement and then rolling a layer of uniformly sized stones to create a new surface.
Annual Resealing Program for 2022/2023
The annual Resealing program will soon commence on 21 November 2022 through until February 2023. The program assists in prolonging the life of the existing wearing surface of the street and provides a new watertight seal.
Works will occur between the hours of 7am & 5pm and cars are not to be parked on the street while works are occurring. Traffic control will be set up and in use while the process of surface sweeping, spraying hot bitumen and the spread and rolling of aggregate occurs. A minor disruption impacting residents and businesses in the areas identified below will occur, delays in exiting or returning to their residence for approximately 15 minutes may be experienced. Thank you for your understanding.
The below list of Armidale and Guyra streets will be affected prior to Christmas, but additional streets may be added weather permitting and contractor availability permitting. If additional street are added to the list they will be contacted via a letter drop at least a week prior to works.
Armidale Garibaldi St - O'Connor- to Markham Perrott St - Caroline to Thompson Beardy St - Allingham to Markham Rockvale Rd- Richardson to Wilson Ave Oliver Ave - Douglas to Taylor St Wells Ln - Stoney Ridge to End Curtis St - Simpson to Gordon St Long Swamp Rd -Kentucky to Canambe St
Guyra Starr Rd from Kooralbyn access to Pearson St Youman St - Abercrombie to Widening Sole St - Prisk to Abercrombie St McKie Parkway - White to Nincoola St Abercrombie St - Wirruna to Yarrawonda St Abercrombie St - Yarrawonda St to O'Donnell St Boorolong St - From McKenzie St To Nincoola St Everett St - From Hardinge St To Sandon St
On the day of your street’s resealing you will see signs warning of loose stones and possible windscreen damage. Please reduce your speed when travelling on the new surface.
A street sweeper will remove loose stones off your street.
Any line-marking that was on your street will be reinstated after the resealing.
The resealing of your street is like painting your house. It protects and extends the life of the road, while making it safe to use.
As the upper layers of road pavement are exposed to weather and wear from traffic the surface deteriorates and small cracks form in the surface. These small cracks can allow water to penetrate the lower levels of the road surface and if left untreated potholes can result.
The life of a reseal depends upon the underlying base and the traffic volumes using the roads. On higher volume roads, the life of a reseal is typically between 10 and 15 years. On suburban streets with lower traffic pressures, life expectancy of the reseal is far greater.
The majority of streets and car parking areas, in the CBD, have an asphalt surface. It provides a very smooth surface to reduce noise, damage due to screwing action of tyres and a smooth surface for shopping trolleys and pedestrians. It is more expensive than resealing so is limited to high pedestrian and vehicle traffic areas. Resealing works cost between 20% to 35% of the cost of resurfacing a street with an asphalt surface. Resealing ensures the maximum percentage of residential streets are resurfaced every year.
This improves road safety and extends the life of a greater proportion of the road network each year