Flood and fire safety
Armidale Regional Council is a proud member of the Floodplain Management Association.
We wish to remind the community that under no circumstances should anyone attempt to enter floodwater. Driving, riding and walking through floodwater are major causes of death during a flooding event. Children playing in or close to flooded areas are especially at risk.
Armidale flood study
In 2015, after extensive consultation with the community, Council adopted a flood study of Dumaresq Creek and other creeks within the City of Armidale undertaken by consultants BMT WBM. The results of this study can be accessed on the following maps:
The 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) Flood Extent Map(PDF, 3MB)
This map shows the theoretical limits of a flood magnitude that has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year, sometimes referred to as a 1 in a 100 year flood.
This magnitude of flood is used to determine the extent of flood affected land. Also on this map is the limit of the probable maximum flood (PMF). This is the worst possible flood that could occur in the Armidale floodplains and is only used as a reference for essential and emergency services.
The Flood Planning Level Map(PDF, 2MB)
As noted above this is based on the 1% AEP flood and is the level reached during that flood plus 0.5 metres. The area within the flood planning level limits is considered flood affected and requires further detailed examination of all of the factors involved before planning permission for development is granted.
Since 2015 Council has undertaken both a Flood Plain Risk Management Study for the creeks and an Urban Overland Flowpath Study for the City’s storm drainage area. These studies provide additional detail on flooding both in the creeks and within Armidale’s storm catchment areas. However, neither of these studies has been adopted by Council so that currently the detailed information they contribute can only be used in collaboration with Council staff as a component of a specific development proposal.
For further information on the various flood studies mentioned above please contact council@armidale.nsw.gov.au
Fires - bush fire safety and management
Check if your address is in a bush fire prone area here
Current bush fire prone land maps:
Bush Fire Household Assessment Tool is provided by the NSW Rural Fire service to help you to assess your household's level of risk from a bush fire and make informed decisions about the safety of your household. bfhat.rfs.nsw.gov.au
Bush Fire Survival Plan every home must have a plan encompassing the decision to either "Leave Early" or to "Stay and Defend" to ensure that you are prepared and know what to do in the event of a bush fire. Everyone's Bush Fire Survival Plan will be different and needs to reflect individuals situations and circumstances. Remember once you have completed your plan you need to ensure your property is properly prepared regardless of your decision to "Leave Early" or to "Stay and Defend".
It is your responsibility to prepare yourself, your family and your home for the threat of bush fire. You need to act decisively in accordance with your Bush Fire Survival Plan when bush fires threaten. Your survival depends on your preparations, and the decisions you make.
Bush fire hazards
Find out what are the hazards on your property and where are they located, what you can do to reduce hazards and make your home a safer place, and how you can make a complaint if you see a hazard on someone else's property. www.rfs.nsw.gov.au
If you require any further assistance, please contact:
- New England Team of the Rural Fire Service at 10 Mann Street, Armidale or call 02 6771 2400.
- NSW Rural Fire Service Information Line: 1800 679 737 (1800 NSW RFS)
- Remember - in an emergency CALL '000'
More information on lodging a fire safety statement below
Fire safety
Building owners require a fire safety schedule (commercial and industrial buildings) by law and need to renew their fire safety statement at least once every year and, in some cases more frequently.
A fire safety statement is a list of fire safety measures installed in the building and their standard of performance - the statement and its frequency ensures the measures are checked to be operating correctly (smoke detectors, etc).
The inspection and maintenance of fire safety systems must be done by a competent fire safety practitioner to a standard no less than that to which the measure was originally designed, as identified on the building’s fire safety schedule.
The owner is responsible for choosing the competent fire safety practitioner/s to undertake the inspection and maintenance. The owner must also provide a written opinion that the person or persons chosen are competent to perform the fire safety inspection.
The owner must also provide a copy of the current fire safety schedule when lodging the fire safety statement to FRNSW. The current fire safety schedule must also be prominently displayed within the building.
The fire safety statement template can be downloaded here(PDF, 162KB)
Once completed, the fire safety statement can be forwarded to council@armidale.nsw.gov.au and to the Commissioner of Fire and Rescue afss@fire.nsw.gov.au
There is no fee for this service.