Connections to council infrastructure

Connections to  Council.jpg

As part of your development there may be new connections to Council mains, plumbing and drainage lines which should be carried out by a licensed trades person. This type of work requires Council approval and may be required to be inspected. All plumbing and drainage work must comply with the current version of the Plumbing Code of Australia and Australia Standard AS/NZS 3500 and all work must be undertaken by a NSW licensed plumber. 

Connection to Council’s Potable Water Supply, Sewer and Stormwater Mains

If your development proposal is in an area that has reticulated water, sewer and stormwater available then you need to connect to that infrastructure and it will be necessary to complete a Water, Sewer and Stormwater application form (s68 form) and submit it to Council together with the prescribed fee. Once the application has been submitted, Council will provide a quotation for the connection to the water supply and give advice as to the connection to water and sewer main connections. 

We request that you allow a minimum of 10 working days for the installation of the water meter to be completed by us following the lodgement of further documents relating to the water connection and payment of the connection fee. 

Local Government Approval to Connect/Carry Out Plumbing or Drainage Work (s68 Applications) 

You need to obtain Council approval if you are planning to connect or disconnect from any of Council’s sewer, stormwater or water systems. Council approval is also required for plumbing work being carried out on properties connected to on-site waste management systems. 

To obtain approval you must complete and submit an On Site Wastewater Management System - application to install, modify and/or operate application form to Council with the prescribed fee. Once approval is granted an approval notice will be issued together with a number of conditions specific to the work being proposed. These conditions will also identify the stages to which inspections will be required to be undertaken prior to the covering or back-filling of the work. 

Plumbing and Drainage Permits and Inspections 

A Plumbing and Drainage Permit must be obtained for plumbing and drainage work before work commences.

Bookings for inspections must be made at least a day before the inspection is required. Bookings for inspections may be arranged by telephoning Council on 1300 136 833. 

Plumbers and drainers can complete their Notice of Work, Certificate of Compliance and Sewer Service Diagram online and email to 


Property owners are responsible for the adequately managing any impacts of stormwater from their property. All buildings and structures must be connected to Councils stormwater infrastructure or a rainwater tank with appropriate overflow measures to ensure there are no impacts to adjoining properties.