Planning strategies and documents

View the current list of planning strategies and documents for the Armidale Region.

Local Strategic Planning Statement

The Armidale Regional Council Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) was adopted at the April 2024 Council Meeting.


  • Provides a 20 year land use vision for the Armidale Regional Council Local Government Area;
  • Directs where further investigations are to be undertaken to identify how future growth and change will be managed;
  • Identifies where further strategic land use planning is required; and
  • Explains how the planning priorities and related actions will be implemented.

Local Strategic Planning Statement(PDF, 30MB)

Local Housing Strategy

The Local Housing Strategy is a local planning strategy that will guide the delivery of housing in the Armidale Region over the next 20 years.

The strategy builds on the longer-term land use planning vision established in the Local Strategic Planning Statement – Advancing our region: Toward 50,000 (LSPS) and has been developed through a review of development, housing stock, housing trends, population trends and planning provisions.

Local Housing Strategy(PDF, 12MB)

Brilliant Regions Strategy

The Brillant Regions Strategy builds off the Connected Region theme of the Advancing Our Region: Your Community Plan. The Armidale region is a uniquely position to leverage opportunities presented by digital technology, data and innovation.

Brilliant Regions Strategy(PDF, 21MB)

Active Transport Strategy

Active transport, primarily in the form of walking and cycling are a sustainable and simple means of access to places, goods, services, experiences and information.

 In the planning of public and private spaces or facilities, priority should be given to active transport modes which are attractive, safe, convenient and accessible for everyone. All responsible agencies should recognise the importance of constructing and maintaining active transport paths for transport, health, safety, leisure and social purposes.

Renewable Energy Community Benefit Framework 2024

Council adopted the renewable energy community benefit framework on 22 May 2024. The objective of the framework is to promote benefit sharing strategies associated with the development of state and regionally significant renewable energy projects in the Armidale Regional LGA.

Renewable Energy Community Benefit Framework 2024(PDF, 269KB)

Armidale City Activation Plan

The Armidale City Activation Plan by the NSW Department of Planning, House and Infrastructure sets the big – picture vision to boost social and economic activity while improving the energy efficiency of its buildings.

Armidale City Activation Plan(PDF, 19MB)

Armidale Plan 2040

The Armidale Plan 2040 was adopted by Council in 2021 and serves as a reference document for the preparation of other strategic planning documents.

Armidale Plan 2024 Part 1(PDF, 69MB)

Armidale Plan 2024 Part 2(PDF, 20MB)

Community Participation Plan

Armidale Regional Council recognises community participation throughout the planning system is not only your right, it also delivers better planning results for the people of the Armidale Region.

Ultimately, Council has a responsibility, along with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, to deliver the objectives of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP & A Act) including the promotion of orderly and economic use of land, facilitating ecologically sustainable development and promoting social and economic wellbeing.

Community participation is an overarching term covering how Council will engage with the community in our work under the EP & A Act, including legislative reform, plan making and decisions on proposed development. The level and extent of community participation will vary depending on the community, the scope of the proposal under consideration and the potential impact of the decision.

The community includes anyone who is affected by the planning system and includes individuals, community groups, Aboriginal communities, peak bodies representing a range of interests, businesses, local government and State and Commonwealth government agencies.