Applications on notification

The advertisement or notification of an application is at the discretion of Council, in accordance with the Community Participation Plan(PDF, 670KB) based on the level of potential impact on the adjoining properties.


Making a submission 

For a submission to be valid, it must be received within the notification period, and include the following; 

  • All submissions must be addressed to the General manager 

  • The DA number and property address 

  • Your name, residential Address and contact details 

  • Disclose any political donations/gifts (form provided below) 

What matters should I raise in my submission 

Matters raised in a submission should relate to any impacts that the proposed development may directly have on your property, examples include; 

  • Overshadowing/solar access issues 

  • Privacy concerns from overlooking  

  • Stormwater and drainage 

  • Noise, odour or light pollution concerns  

  • Traffic and access issues  

  • Cut and fill of a site 

Objections to development applications must consider only the proposed development. All objections and submissions made against an application will be considered during the assessment period and addressed.  

How to make a submission 

Online – find the application by the above link and select “submit a response” at the bottom of the page  

Email – Send your submission via email to with the relevant DA number in the subject line  


Mail to Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350  

In person – Hard copy submissions can be lodged over the counter at the Armidale and Guyra administration buildings 

Is my submission confidential?

No. Submissions made against applications are not confidential, except for your personal details. Submissions are publicly available and may be shared with the applicant for them to address any issues raised. This can be done by comments or amendments to the proposal.

Why wasn’t I notified?

Generally it is only those properties immediately adjoining the subject site that are notified. If Council considers there may be impacts to properties further away, they will also be notified.