Public trees and vegetation

Public trees and vegetation

Public trees and vegetation include those in public parks, nature strips, and on Council-owned property.

If you are concerned about a tree on Council land you can report it here. Alternatively, you can contact Council's Customer Service Team.

What will happen if I report a tree on council land?

A qualified Tree Officer will inspect the tree and decide the best management strategy for the situation. Their assessment will be based around current industry methodology and will consider the following factors:

  • Risk of personal injury posed by the tree.
  • Risk of damage to buildings, structures or services.
  • Health, growth habit, stability and structural soundness of the tree.
  • The significance of the tree.
  • The contribution of the tree to the surrounding landscape.

The Tree Officer will then determine whether any pruning, removal or monitoring needs to be undertaken.

All tree pruning will be conducted in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4373 - 2007, Pruning of Amenity Trees and Council's Tree Pruning Guidelines.