Tree planting on public land

Tree planting

The Armidale region is known for its bushland character, significant natural areas and Autumn displays in urban areas. Council is committed to preserving these unique aspects of our region which is why a structured street tree planting program has been designed to maintain and enhance our local amenity, character and history.

This page has everything you need to know about tree planting on public land.

Can I plant a tree on public land?

You cannot plant a tree or other vegetation on public land without permission from Council. While planting by residents may be meant well, there are a number of problems that can arise from plantings that have not undergone adequate planning and assessment. Some issues that may arise from unauthorised planting include:

  • Obscuring vision for vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
  • Inconsistency with Council plantings and plans of management.
  • Future damage to Council and/or private property.
  • Public liability claims and the added difficulty of ongoing maintenance, for example inappropriate species planted near powerlines.

What will happen if I plant a tree on public land without Council authorisation?

Once Council has been notified of the unauthorised planting, we will consult with residents to reach a suitable outcome by looking at options such as pruning or transplanting.

However, if there are no alternatives, Council reserves the right to remove inappropriately planted vegetation and replant (where possible) with more suitable vegetation consistent with Council's policies.

For more information about trees on public land, click here.

Can I request for a tree to be planted on a nature strip?

You can request a tree to be planted on the nature strip by using our online customer service request system. Select 'Report maintenance required for street trees in town' and lodge your request. Alternatively you can contact Council's Customer Service Team.

You will be notified once your request has been processed and when it is scheduled for planting.

How does council decide what species of tree to plant?

Species of trees are selected based on a site assessment undertaken by Council staff which considers:

  • The growing environment and space available.
  • Compatibility with services (overhead and underground service, line of sight for vehicles etc.).
  • Adjoining land uses and built form.
  • Street character and context.
  • Tree characteristics.

How often does council plant new trees?

All programmed street tree planting is scheduled between Autumn and Spring as this is the best time of year to establish new trees. Planting is planned twelve months in advance.

Where existing trees need to be removed, Council will undertake replacement planting.