Hardship support

A hand on a calculator

Council recognises that circumstances of financial hardship can arise requiring respect and compassion. Requests for hardship support will lead to a payment arrangement being agreed between ratepayers and Council.

Once Council receives a hardship request either by phone or email, our Revenue Officer will be in contact to discuss options and provide you with a payment arrangement form for signing. Please note that there are minimum amounts dependent on the total outstanding.

To submit a hardship request please email council@armidale.nsw.gov.au or phone 1300 136 833.

To view the Hardship Policy(PDF, 136KB) or for further information regarding amounts on your rates or water notices, please go to our fees and charges page.

In need, please refer to Council’s Hardship help checklist here(PDF, 184KB).

For payment options please refer to your rates or water notice. For details involving Centrepay (if eligible) visit Services Australia.

If you require further assistance, the following organisations offer financial counselling, advice and other assistance:

24/7 National Crisis Support Services: