Armidale Regional Sports Council is made up of local volunteers that work together with Council to improve sporting opportunities for members of the community. The Armidale Regional Sports Council advisory committee meets every two months to discuss local matters and provide advice to Council. Sports Council is the central point of communication between Council and sporting clubs/organisations, aiming to align the strategic plans of local sporting clubs and the community with the development of Council owned/managed infrastructure.
Sports Council membership
Sports Council invites both individuals and clubs/organisations to become affiliate members of the Sports Council. As the peak body for sport in New England, Sports Council supports it’s members through promotion and advocacy for the sector so that clubs/associations and their members can reap the benefits that sport and recreation provides. There are many benefits to being a member of Sports Council, as outlined below:
Membership categories and fees are listed below:
Membership Fees as of 2022-23
Note: Sports Development Levy members do not have to pay a separate membership fee
For more information on membership(PDF, 214KB) and details of how to join, please complete the Sports Council Membership Application Form.
The Sports Council also provides small grants to local sporting stars to help cover the cost of participating at high level competitions. The program is open year round to residents of the Armidale Regional Council Local Government Area or sporting groups affiliated with the Sports Council. Athletes selected to represent NSW may be eligible for a small grant up to $250, and athletes selected to represent Australia may be eligible for a small grant up to $500.
To apply for a Sports Council Small Grant, complete the application form(PDF, 612KB) and return it to or post to PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350 - Attention: Sport and Recreation Development Officer