Liquid trade waste is any discharge to a sewerage system other than domestic waste from a hand wash basin, shower, bath or toilet. Sewerage systems are designed to safely collect, transfer and treat wastewater that is mostly of domestic origin. However, sewerage systems may also accept liquid trade waste discharges provided they are planned and controlled within acceptable limits.
Businesses or government agencies planning to discharge liquid trade waste into the council sewer system must first obtain approval from the responsible council. Please complete our Liquid Trade Waste Application Form to ensure you have the necessary authorisation for discharging liquid waste.
For more information about your responsibilities discharging liquid trade waste, visit the NSW Department of Primary Industries website.
To discuss any aspect of liquid trade waste process please reach out ro Armidale Regional Council on 1300 136 833 or email
Note: Under section 120 (1) of the POEO Act, a person who pollutes any waters including Council’s sewerage system is guilty of an offence. Pollution of Council’s sewerage system occurs when a discharge into Council’s sewer does not have approval or fails to comply with the conditions of approval. It is also an offense to not have an approval to discharge to sewer or failure to comply with the conditions of approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993.