Curtis Park Playground Expansion to commence
Published on 22 January 2025
Work to expand and upgrade Curtis Park Playground will commence next month.
Permanent fencing is being installed around the perimeter of the park, enclosing the area which will be under construction.
“The existing adventure playground in Curtis Park opened in 2020, quickly becoming a much-loved place for families,” Armidale Regional Councill Mayor Sam Coupland said.
“Playground and other park users responded enthusiastically when council presented the possibility of growing the facility and sought ideas.”
Community feedback suggested that the area should be fully fenced to create a large safe area, and that adding more and alternative play equipment would ensure all age ranges and abilities could enjoy the space.
At its Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 October 2024, the Council accepted amendments to concept plans for Curtis Park Playground Expansion and Upgrade based on community feedback received during public exhibition in August.
The endorsed plan will enclose an area of 1.6 acres, extending from the northern end of the car park at the Visitor Information Centre across to Faulkner Street, joining into the existing playground fences.
“I’m excited that work is set to commence,” said Mayor Coupland.
“The expanded facility will provide a fenced safe zone, feature natural play elements that supplement existing play experiences, and will link to the creeklands and surrounds - including with footpath connections and through elements that tell the story of the place.”
Access to the existing playground will be maintained throughout the works, however care is to be taken as there will be some work within the existing playground which will be fenced off temporarily.
The expanded playground, informed by the community and designed by Myrtle Studio Design is expected to be complete by 30 June 2025, weather permitting.
Tenders for the construction are currently being reviewed, and the contractor will be announced soon.
For project details and updates, check council’s works and projects page.